Up until a few months ago most of the blogging I have ever done had to do with a particular home business I was involved in or a particular mlm/network marketing training or philosophy. Although what I was sharing I believe was informative and helpful and perhaps necessary for me to drum up a few leads, I just never felt it was personal enough. It kind of felt sterile.
In March I joined Blogger about the time of spring training in baseball, and I just thought it would be fun to write about something light and fun for a change, so I did a blog on baseball. I was right, it was not only fun, it felt like a great release as well. It, what should I say, woke up part of me, that appeared to be somewhat asleep. Part of me felt a little guilty that I wasn't writing about the business I was involved with, but after giving if some deep thought, I decided that there were many other parts of me that could use a wake up call and since then I have been having a great time blogging and sharing my interests.
My biggest problem now is what interest I should write about next. I had forgotten how many things in life that really bring me pleasure. This itself has been worth starting this blog. To open my mind again to these many great parts of me, and share it with the world. Laughing out loud, well maybe not the world, but the few people that find it interest enough to read it.
I feel somewhat reborn, and can't wait to dig into some old parts of me that have been lying dormant. This is probably not the most exciting post, but I just wanted to express what Blogger has done for me. I'm just being myself and loving it. If that means a mlm/network marketing post from time to time, that is part of me to. I encourage everyone to share their passions on blogger. It has been very, very good to me.
Terry P.
**Hey, I still have a great home based business to offer, that is very hot, ;-) check it out at http://www.regenesis2x2.com/tp10638
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