Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fresh Start, Time to Dreaming Again

It is a beautiful, crisp and cool early spring morning here in Northeast Wisconsin as I write today. It's an awesome time of year. Things are coming alive again. The grass is starting to green out, the sun is shining, the days are longer, all things that inspire me, wake me.
I love this time of year for a couple of reasons. With the birds singing and the grass growing, and the warmer days, I know summer is just around the corner. The major league baseball season has started again, and the crack of the bat and the hopes and anticipations of each major leaguer fill the air.
This time of year is a rebirth. A fresh start. To me that means it doesn't matter what happened last winter, last year and beyond for that matter, I have a fresh new outlook on life. It is a time to dust off the past, dig deep for your passion and start dreaming again. It's exciting. I love to use this rebirth period to think back to when I was a child, to all the things I loved, when I was not afraid to dream and open my heart to that kind of innocence that tells me all my dreams can come true, and I actually believe it.
What many of have lost in the course of growing up and settling for the status quo's of life is that ability to dream, and to muster up the passion to pursue those dreams. Past dreams were crushed by self made obstacles that were put up by us or probably someone close to you. It didn't have to be that way, and it doesn't in the future. Even if your dream doesn't come true, doesn't the thought of just dreaming again open up something great inside you? Think about it. What if you could have anything in life, what would your life look like? Play with it, live it in your mind, and believe this time that it can come true, because you know what? It can. All we have to do is dream, believe and put our energy and focus into what we really want to be in life and it can be ours. Believe, put energy and focus behind your dream and you will achieve. It is the law of the universe, the secret, etc.
Dreams=Passion. Passion + Focused Energy+Perserverance=Successful Dream. It is a formula to live be. Dust off your dreams, open up your heart to this rebirth and start living again. God Bless, Dream Big,


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